Friday 2 May 2014



Tulsi is one of the plants that contains several meditional qualities that are very beneficial to us. Because of its unmatched properties, this plant is also worshipped like goddess by Hindu people. Tulsi is known to purify the air and because of this, it is commonly planted at the entrance or veranda of house. This plant is used for medication in Ayurveda for its amazing healing properties and considered as the 'elixir of life'.

Tulsi leaves with flowers

Part I- Health benefits of Tulsi

Tulsi( or Basil in English) is mainly used in the form of its leaves, seeds and roots. It possesses strong anti-oxidant, anti-viral and immune system improving properties. It is also known to promote longevity of life. Some of the health benefits are listed below:

·            Heart Disorders: Tulsi contains various anti oxidants which removes harmful effects of free radicals from body. It helps in reducing cholesterol level and blood pressure thus prevents cardiac disorders.

·        Kidney Stones: Tusli has detoxifying effects so it reduces uric acid level, which is main reason for kidney stones. So, in order to treat renal stones mixture of tulsi leaves juice and honey is very effective. This helps in removal of stones through urinary track.

·       Treats Fever and common cold: A decoction of tulsi leaves boiled with turmeric and cardamom power is a effective remedy to treat fever and common cold symptoms. The anti-viral agents present in tulsi prevents against malaria fever, dengue fever and any other kind of viral infection.

  • Headache: Crushed Basil leaves mixed with sandalwood power forms an effective remedy against headache. This paste can directly be applied on forehead for relief.
  •  Stomach Problems:  Basil leaves juice is also helpful in various stomach problems like acidity, lack of appetite, constipation and flatulence. It supports digestive system and decreases bloating stomach problem.
  •   Stress reliever: Tulsi extracts gives soothing effect to the nervous system and helps reducing stress.
  • Fights Cancer: How ever Tusli alone cannot be used as treatment against cancer but it contains anti-carcinogenic agents that are beneficial in various types of cancers like breast and oral cancer.
  • Diabetic control: It also controls blood sugar level effectively.
  •  Helps in quiting smoking: If you are planning to quit smoking tulsi leaves can really be helpful. Chew tulsi leaves whenever you urge to smoke, it will provide a calming effect to the urge and various anti-oxidants will help in undoing the harm cause by smoking.
  • Relives insect bite: In case of any kind of insect bite, Tulsi leaves juice can directly be applied to the affected area. The effect of scorpion poison can completely be nullified if paste of Tulsi leaves and roots ground together is applied immediately to the bitten area.

next post>>> Beauty Benefits of Tulsi

1 comment:

  1. nice article....waiting for next one
