Friday 7 November 2014

Yoga for Seniors

The most amazing thing about YOGA is that every age group of society can derive benefits from it. Though Yoga posses a popular image of young people performing super tough poses, but after getting familiar with real yoga, now people in their older ages are also getting attached to yoga. And the sole reason for this inclination is the count of benefits that one can reap by just including simple and super easy yoga poses to their routine workout schedule.


There are several age related problems which are mostly unavoidable, for example- stiffness of bones, low response of senses, digestion problems, blood pressure etc. One cannot avoid ageing but one can delay it for sure.
     But before starting over, there are certain things to be taken care of:
  • Respect your pain: Start with simple and easy poses, don't try to push yourself hard. You may not be able to bend your body much, but you can certainly enhance the quality of your life by simply performing simple Yoga/Prayanam.
  • Know your limits: once you start practicing, go slowly and hold for shorter period of time and let your body to settle in the pose.
  • Keep yourself hydrated.
  • At any point of time, if you feel intense pain or uneasiness, please stop yoga and seek medical care if problem persists.

Types of Yoga poses best for older people:

1. Tirkonasana(Triangle pose) :

Trikonasana( credits:

2. Butterfly pose:
BUtterfly pose(credits:

3. Bhujangasana:

4. Child pose:
Child Pose(

5. Pawanmuktasana:
6. Pranayama: 

There are several forms of PRANAYAMA, which includes following:
1. Ujjayi Pranayama
2. Nadi Sodhan Pranayama
3. Shitali Pranayama
4. Anuloma Pranayama
5. Viloma Pranayama
6. Kapalbhati Pranayama
7. Digra Pranayama
8. Bhastrika Pranayama
9. Bhramri Pranayama
10. Bhaya Pranayama
11. Agnisar Kriya.

Details about these pranayam is available at link below:

Note: All the above discussed Yoga/Pranayama should be done under the guidance of trainer and according to the health condition.

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