Tuesday 21 October 2014

YOGA for diabetes

YOGA, if practiced regularly can your body healthier and happier. Even if you are fit, one should include Yoga practice to the daily routine. Apart from fitness, YOGA is known to be the cure for various health conditions. Yoga, which includes asnas, pranayam & various mudras, has considerably helped the people to regain health and have peaceful mind. Now a days diabetes is getting common and allopathy has no cure for this disease till date. Yoga has shown promising results in this condition and this is the reason why more & more people are inclining toward Yoga.
Lets discuss the yoga practices that can help diabetic person:

YOGA Asanas for Diabetes:

1.   Mandukasana: Put left palm covering your navel and place right palm on the left palm. Press your hands against your abdomen. Exhaling & bend your head forwards trying to touch your forehead to the ground in front of you. Your hands should press against your abdomen in this position. Hold this position as long as you can hold comfortably (ten to fifteen seconds in the beginning). While inhaling come back to original position of vajra asana.
This yoga asna is beneficial to diabetes patients and gives added benefits of improving digestive system.
Caution: any person suffering from any type of back pain or abdominal injury should not practice this pose.

2.   Mayurasana (Peacock pose): 

  • Lie flat on your belly.
  • Bend your elbows and keep both your hands on either side of your chest.
  • Now pressing on your palms, lift up your entire body keeping it parallel to the ground.
  • After a few seconds return to your original position.
This pose may be for beginners but once you master this asana, pancreas activity increases and more insulin is produced, which in turn gives relief in diabetes.

3.   Dhanurasana: 

Dhanurasana (credits : myyogaon.tumblr.com)

Detailed steps to perform this asna is available @ http://beautysecretsathome.blogspot.in/2014/05/weight-loss-through-yoga.html.

This asana improves the functioning of your pancreas and intestines thus controlling your blood sugar level.

4.   Sarvangasana: This is yet another asanas which is highly advised for those with diabetes.
  • Lie down flat with your back on the floor.
  • Relax and breathe normally.
  • Lift up your legs at a right angle and now slowly lift your torso entirely off the floor supporting on your elbows and shoulder blade. Before you lift your legs, exhale.
  • After you have attained this posture, look towards your chest.
  • Breathe normally now.

Caution: People suffering from high blood pressure or any heart disease should avoid this asana.

5. Paschimottanasana: 
Paschimottanasana (credits thehealthsite.com)

While practicing this asana try to keep your legs straight and touch your knees with nose. Go slowly. Practice regularly to make your stomach function better, strengthens the thigh muscles and relaxes the back and arms.

One can actually get benefited by following a routine that includes above mentioned YOGA poses, along with proper diet.

Never forget that if your are going for exercise/yoga/jogging than this does not allows you to neglect your food habits.  

Check out some food items that helps you in combating diabetes >>>http://yogapowerforyou.blogspot.in/2014/10/healthy-eating-habits-for-people-with.html

Keep loving yourself and keep reading!!!!!

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