Monday 19 May 2014


There are several forms of PRANAYAMA, which includes following:
1.       Ujjayi Pranayama
2.       Nadi Sodhan Pranayama
3.       Shitali Pranayama
4.       Anuloma Pranayama
5.       Viloma Pranayama
6.       Kapalbhati Pranayama
7.       Digra Pranayama
8.       Bhastrika Pranayama
9.       Bhramri Pranayama
10.   Bhaya Pranayama
11.   Agnisar Kriya
This Pranayama involve making sound of oceanic waves.
To perform this Pranayama, sit comfortable in cross legs position. Now inhale and exhale deeply through your mouth. Restrict your throat as if it is choking and keep inhaling/exhaling in the same manner. This will produce sound that seems similar to the sound of ocean waves.
Practice this for a few times and then do this with nose, closing your mouth.
This can be done 8-10 times at initial stage.
Practicing this Pranayama increases body temperature, the vibrations caused by the sound helps your mind to calm down and relax. This Pranayama activates and energizes the body and improves the control over the senses. This pranayama stimulates the proper functioning of Thyroid gland also. 
It has also shown positive effects on curing respiratory and lungs related problems like asthma and tuberculosis.
This yoga involves breathing through alternate nostril. To perform this yoga, sit down in cross legged position. Now follow these steps:
·         By the thumb of your right hand close your right nostril and inhale deeply through left nostril and exhale through right nostril, closing the left one.
·         Now close your left nostril and inhale through right one and then exhale through left nostril closing right one.
This can be done 10-12 times.
This is the basic practice. This PRANAYAMA can be done in various other ways by controlling the ration of air inhaled and exhaled. But it is advised to go that deeply under supervision.
via pinterest

This PRANAYAMA effectively lowers heart rate, stress level and anxiety. Helps in purification of two nadis – inghla and pinghla and eases the flow of PRANA (breath) throughout the body.
 It also lowers body temperature and develops better coordination between the two hemispheres of mind.
The word SHITALI means cool. This Pranayama effectively cools down the body temperature. Steps to perform this Pranayama:
·         Sit Comfortable in cross legged position.
·         Close your eyes and open your mouth. Place your tongue on lower lip and roll it. Now inhale deeply through mouth.
·         Hold your breath as long as possible but with ease.
·         Now close your mouth and exhale through nose.

vai interest
Practice this initially for 2-4 times then gradually it can be increased to 10 times a day.

This Pranayama lowers body temperature and cures hypertension. Through this Pranayam one can also get relief in case of acidity and other ingestion problems. This practice also improves health of eyes and skin.
NOTE: This Pranayama should not be practiced by people with low blood pressure and heavy cold. Also this practice should be avoided during winter season.

Rest Forms will be discussed in our next post...Till then KEEP READING !!!!

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