Monday 5 May 2014



Yoga word comes from Sanskrit word Yuj, which means to join or unite. In broader sense it means uniting various aspects of human life/body to its soul and then lead a balanced and content life.
 Yoga is a practice through which one can achieve healthy body and peaceful mind without any kind of medicine or equipment. Yoga has recently gained popularity as people are getting aware of super amazing results of including yoga to their life.
Why YOGA??
As said above yoga practice brings balance to the life. Then the question comes why balance is important????
Here is a small example that will answer this question: when we learn riding a bicycle, our whole focus is concentrated on balancing the wheels, while which we ignore the enjoyment and beauty of the ride. But when we have learned balancing the wheels, we start enjoying the ride and then we realize the pleasure of journey. Same is the case with life, once we achieve balance in our life only then we can realize the essence, beauty and significance of human life. By balance, we mean that state of mind which keeps us happy and content at every up and down of life cycle.
Now a days our life style demands a relief therapy to be practiced every day so that we can lead a healthy and stress free life & Yoga is the best option for this. 30-45 minutes daily Yoga practice can actually make a difference to your life.
The ultimate reason why YOGA was introduces was to achieve MOKSHA (Liberation from life-death cicle). In YOGA SUTRA, Patanjali has described the ultimate goal of YOGA is a state of permanent peace, necessary to know the one’s true self. Here you can read details & history of various asanas .
Aprat from this there are various asana that are also known to improve health and beauty. In the coming posts will be about various asanas beneficial to beauty and various detailed YOGA ASAN will also be discussed later on.


  1. nice.....can you please tell yoga asanas for fat loss.

    1. yes for sure.....we will be soon posting artlcle regarding your problem...keep reading.
