Monday 5 May 2014


If you are thinking to start YOGA….CONGRATS!!! This means you know that yoga will benefit you irrespective of your age and fitness level. STEP I completed….!!!!
But before you begin there are certain things that may cross your mind or may trouble you/ here is the list of Do’s and Don’ts for your comfortable yoga:
·         Know the purpose: There might be some specific reasons why you thought to include YOGA to your life. Know them first. the reason could be:
1.      To maintain fitness
2.      To reduce fat of specific area of body
3.      To overcome any health problem
Once purpose is known opt for the yoga styles that would be most beneficial.
·         Practice Correctly: It is very important to learn the steps correctly before starting any yoga asana or it may harm you instead of helpful.
·         Choose the place: Choose a place which is well ventilated. Prefer not to work out under fan or AC.
·         Wear something comfortable: Always choose a dress that makes you comfortable. Clothes should be well fitted, neither too tight nor too loose.
·         Take off your Shoes: Yoga is always practices bare footed. Avoid wearing socks too.
·         Schedule your meal: Remember not have heavy meals at least 1 hour before practicing YOGA.
·         Timing: Time your session. At the beginning, practice for 30 minutes, daily. Morning timings are most preferable for any king of work out but if time is not suiting you can go for evening timings.
·         Be hydrated: During YOGA session your body will lose lots of water, so it is very important to keep yourself well hydrated. Drink lots of water 2 hours before session and 1 hour after the session. Avoid drinking water during the session.
·         Rest: Don’t push yourself too hard. Remember that you are not under punishment. YOGA should be a reward to your body, so rest intermittently and enjoy.
·         Meditate: Practise 5-10 minutes meditation at the end of session. This will not only make you feel relaxed but will also boost up your senses and energy level.


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