Wednesday 30 April 2014

Turmeric Benefits- part II

     Turmeric – natural healer

            Part II- Health Benefits:
In our last post we discussed about the beauty benefits of turmeric, but its advantages are not limited to only to beauty. Because of its anti-inflammatory, anti-sceptic and detoxifying properties turmeric helps body to fight to several conditions. Turmeric is easy available in market in powder or raw form and is being used widely as spice in food.  Here are top 10 health benefits of turmeric:

·         Prevents Cancer: the yellow pigment present in turmeric called ‘curcumin’ has shown positive results in treating and preventing mutant cancer cells.  Although it is not being proved yet that turmeric cures cancer but several studies have proved that it is truly an adjunct to a balanced diet.
·         Relieves arthritis: due to anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric treats both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

·         Prevents Alzhiemer’s disease: Turmeric is helpful in removal of plaque built up inside brain and hence maintains the health of the brain. Brain inflammation is effective reduced by turmeric and hence it reduces the chances of Alzhiemer’s disease.

·         Immunity booster- daily intake of turmeric considerably improves immunity system. It’s antibacterial, antiviral and anti fungal agents helps in strengthening immune system.

·         In case of flatulence (excessive gas condition), turmeric is beneficial. Include turmeric while cooking vegetable and experience the effect. Along with this regular intake of turmeric treats bloody urine, bruises, chest pain, colic, menstrual related problem and many more.

·         Turmeric poultices can be used in case of pain, minor cuts and joint swelling.

·         Cares for your heart:  turmeric also takes care of heart by not only reducing cholesterol but also preventing oxidation of cholesterol. Its oxidised cholesterol that damages blood vessels and leads to heart attack.

·         In case of any kind of blood clot inside the body it is always effective to take one glass of milk with one spoon turmeric powder every day. Due to its anti sceptic properties this reduces clots significantly.

·         Turmeric may also be useful in fighting bacterial and viral infection during cold and flu.

·         Controls insulin activity: turmeric also assists diabetic patients as it may improve glucose control or insulin activity.