Wednesday 30 April 2014

Nature’s secrets for beauty and health- TURMERIC BENEFITS

A healthy person is always a beautiful person. If your body is healthy and strong, then only you can think about enhancing and grooming your beauty. So, anyone who is concerned or who aspires to achieve a personality they dream, one has focus on health first.
Nature has endowed us with several gifts that are easily available and highly beneficial for both inner and outer beauty of human body. Lets discover some of the natures secrets for their beauty and health benefits. 

      Turmeric – Natural healer

          Part I – Beauty benefits:

  • Acne treatment- turmeric contains anticeptic and antibacterial properties and hence proves to be and effective thing for treating pimples and acne. Not only turmeric reduces acnes but also reduces the scar marks due to pimples etc. Mix turmeric powder with lime juice and sandal powder and apply on face for 10-15 minutes. For reducing scar marks apply turmeric with water at specific area.
  • Glowing skin- mix half table spoon of turmeric powder with lime juice and rose water and aplly evenly on face for 15 minutes. You can add one table spoon cream if your skin is dry. This pack improves complextion and reduces blemishes.
  • Because of its anti bacterial propoerties, turmeric powder is effective in tackling dandruff problem.
  • Mix turmeric powder with warm coconut oil and apply on body to reduce hair growth. 
  • Tanning is very common during summers. For reducing tann and have even skin tone use turmeric powder mixed with raw milk. Wash after 10 minutes with luke warm water.
  • Facial hair removal- mix turmeric powder with gram flour(besan) add cream and use as scrub. For effective results use at least trice a week.
  • Strech marks removal- consistant use of turmeric powder with rose water or cream effectively reduces strech marks.
  • Turmeric is an anti-oxidant, which reduces harmful oxidants from the body and hence gives youthful look. Turmeric powder can be used daily at night with water. It will inhibit  growth of fungal or bacterial growth and will add glow to the face.
  • Wrinkle treatment- turmeric is very effective in treating fine lines and wrinkles. Mix turmeric powder with 2 big spoon rice powder, one table spoon honey, one table spoon lime juice and one table spoon tomato juice and apply on face. Leave it for 15 minutes and massage your face before washing.