Wednesday 30 April 2014

Turmeric Benefits- part II

     Turmeric – natural healer

            Part II- Health Benefits:
In our last post we discussed about the beauty benefits of turmeric, but its advantages are not limited to only to beauty. Because of its anti-inflammatory, anti-sceptic and detoxifying properties turmeric helps body to fight to several conditions. Turmeric is easy available in market in powder or raw form and is being used widely as spice in food.  Here are top 10 health benefits of turmeric:

·         Prevents Cancer: the yellow pigment present in turmeric called ‘curcumin’ has shown positive results in treating and preventing mutant cancer cells.  Although it is not being proved yet that turmeric cures cancer but several studies have proved that it is truly an adjunct to a balanced diet.
·         Relieves arthritis: due to anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric treats both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

·         Prevents Alzhiemer’s disease: Turmeric is helpful in removal of plaque built up inside brain and hence maintains the health of the brain. Brain inflammation is effective reduced by turmeric and hence it reduces the chances of Alzhiemer’s disease.

·         Immunity booster- daily intake of turmeric considerably improves immunity system. It’s antibacterial, antiviral and anti fungal agents helps in strengthening immune system.

·         In case of flatulence (excessive gas condition), turmeric is beneficial. Include turmeric while cooking vegetable and experience the effect. Along with this regular intake of turmeric treats bloody urine, bruises, chest pain, colic, menstrual related problem and many more.

·         Turmeric poultices can be used in case of pain, minor cuts and joint swelling.

·         Cares for your heart:  turmeric also takes care of heart by not only reducing cholesterol but also preventing oxidation of cholesterol. Its oxidised cholesterol that damages blood vessels and leads to heart attack.

·         In case of any kind of blood clot inside the body it is always effective to take one glass of milk with one spoon turmeric powder every day. Due to its anti sceptic properties this reduces clots significantly.

·         Turmeric may also be useful in fighting bacterial and viral infection during cold and flu.

·         Controls insulin activity: turmeric also assists diabetic patients as it may improve glucose control or insulin activity.


Nature’s secrets for beauty and health- TURMERIC BENEFITS

A healthy person is always a beautiful person. If your body is healthy and strong, then only you can think about enhancing and grooming your beauty. So, anyone who is concerned or who aspires to achieve a personality they dream, one has focus on health first.
Nature has endowed us with several gifts that are easily available and highly beneficial for both inner and outer beauty of human body. Lets discover some of the natures secrets for their beauty and health benefits. 

      Turmeric – Natural healer

          Part I – Beauty benefits:

  • Acne treatment- turmeric contains anticeptic and antibacterial properties and hence proves to be and effective thing for treating pimples and acne. Not only turmeric reduces acnes but also reduces the scar marks due to pimples etc. Mix turmeric powder with lime juice and sandal powder and apply on face for 10-15 minutes. For reducing scar marks apply turmeric with water at specific area.
  • Glowing skin- mix half table spoon of turmeric powder with lime juice and rose water and aplly evenly on face for 15 minutes. You can add one table spoon cream if your skin is dry. This pack improves complextion and reduces blemishes.
  • Because of its anti bacterial propoerties, turmeric powder is effective in tackling dandruff problem.
  • Mix turmeric powder with warm coconut oil and apply on body to reduce hair growth. 
  • Tanning is very common during summers. For reducing tann and have even skin tone use turmeric powder mixed with raw milk. Wash after 10 minutes with luke warm water.
  • Facial hair removal- mix turmeric powder with gram flour(besan) add cream and use as scrub. For effective results use at least trice a week.
  • Strech marks removal- consistant use of turmeric powder with rose water or cream effectively reduces strech marks.
  • Turmeric is an anti-oxidant, which reduces harmful oxidants from the body and hence gives youthful look. Turmeric powder can be used daily at night with water. It will inhibit  growth of fungal or bacterial growth and will add glow to the face.
  • Wrinkle treatment- turmeric is very effective in treating fine lines and wrinkles. Mix turmeric powder with 2 big spoon rice powder, one table spoon honey, one table spoon lime juice and one table spoon tomato juice and apply on face. Leave it for 15 minutes and massage your face before washing.

Tuesday 29 April 2014


So here we are with some more quick solutions to your hair problems.

Hair loss prevention:
Main reasons for this problem includes unhealthy diet routine, stress, some disease, harsh weather conditions, lack of care, hereditary etc. Unless the case is hereditary or side effect of some disease, this problem is curable.
·         Increase your water intake. Take at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. This will cleanse your body from inside and will help in faster removal of unwanted and toxic elements from the body.
·         Massage your scalp every day before going to the bed. This will improve blood circulation and prevent death of hair cuticles and hence will stop hair fall.
·         Coconut milk is among the richest sources known for nourishing properties. Apply freshly derived coconut milk over scalp at least twice a month.
·         Neem extract can be used to treat hair loss problem very effectivel. Boil neem leaves with water until water level falls to the half, cool it and wash your hairs once in a week with this mixture.

Neem Leaves
·         Amla(or Indian gooseberry) contains high quantity of iron and a very good source of vitamin C. Frequently eating or applying amla on scalp reduces many hair problems.
  • Aloe vera gel can also be used. It balances the pH level of scalp and aids healthy growth of hairs.

Aloe vera leaf

For added shine to the hairs
Shiny hairs can readily add up o the glow of you face. But why to waste money when you can get that shine at home.
·         Methi(or Fenugreek) contains many health as well as beauty secrets. Soak grinded methi in water overnight. Next morning briskly mix this solution with egg beater or hand. Then apply this to scalp and hair strand both. Leave it for 30 min and risen as usual.
·         Kalonji(or black cumin) is yet another kitchen ingredient that can be used to get shiny hair. Use it in the same way as methi is used.
Kalonji(black cumin)
·         Using egg mask also give instant shine to the hairs.
·         Hot oil massage is yet another method. Just make sure not to boil the oil, luke warm oil is all that you need.

Grow your hairs faster:
If your hairs are healthy, they will naturally grow faster but still you can add to the growth rate by following simple tips:
·         Regular oiling is very effective for hair growth & Olive oil is best option is you want your hairs to grow faster. Preferably hot oil massage.
·         Essential oils are also a good option. One can use mixture of lavender oil, jojoba oil and rosemary oil. This will not only make your hairs grow faster but also make them healthy.
·         Use potato water to replenish lost vitamins and get long hairs.
·         Applying hair mask also helps. Any one of the following can be used twice a month to get the lengthy hairs:
1.      Olive oil plus coconut milk.
2.      Castor oil with honey.
3.      Vitamin E with olive oil.
4.      Amla powder with hinna powder.
5.      Paste of amla, reetha with methi powder
6.      Coconut milk with honey.
·         Black til (black sesame seeds) is well known for its wonderful effects on hairs and skin. Consume one table spoon of black til twice a week and also your can apply its paste over the scalp as mask.

Hair Problems??? Here is the solution


Healthy and shiny hairs can make lots of difference to your looks. But, there is not always Happy Hair Day. Here are some simple and quick secrets for shiny hairs.

Most common and irritating hair problem with dry hairs – dandruff. But with little attention and care, you can forget this problem!!! Here are solutions:
·         oiling hairs is very important. Oil your hairs overnight and take steam next morning after head wash. Use mild shampoo which are especially available for dry hairs and dont forget to condition.
·         Conditioning is very important for getting rid of dandruff. For this you can use natural conditioners with all goodness and almost zero harmful effects. Vinegar is a natural conditioner. Add half cup water to five big spoon vinegar( preferably apple-cider vinegar) and used it after shampoo the way you use conditioner.
·         Raw milk is also very nourishing. Apply raw milk to the scalp and wash hairs after one hour. If you don’t like the smell of milk add few drops of any essential oil to the milk before applying. For maximum benefits add 2 tablespoon honey to the milk.
·         Another tested formula for fighting dandruff is onion juice. Apply freshly squeezed onion juice to your scalp. Leave it for ½ hour and then wash your hairs.

Frizzy hairs

If your hairs are getting unmanageable and refusing to set into the hairstyle, you need to do follow these simple tricks:
  • Nourishment is all your hairs is lacking. Environmental conditions, contact with dirt and pollution make your hairs stiff and takes away essential oil from the scalp and strand. So, oil your hairs regularly. Give your head a massage with olive oil or coconut oil or other essential oils like lavender oil/ jojoba oil etc during night and shampoo it next morning.

  • Egg is a very rich source of protein and is known for giving instant relief in case of frizzy and damaged hairs. Mix two table spoon of mustard oil to one raw egg(white+yellow) and apply on scalp. Leave it for half an hour and then shampoo your hairs. For maximum benefit steam your hairs. For steaming- dip towel into hot water, squeeze it and wrap it around your hairs.

  • In case you don’t want to use egg, you can use curd instead. Mix half cup of curd with two big spoon oil(olive or coconut) and apply thoroughly on scalp. Wash it after half an hour.

Keep reading for more tips and secrets to be healthy and beautiful. There will be few more hair care tips in our next post. Keep visiting!!!!!!