Tuesday 22 September 2015

Yoga for better Immune system

Our immune system shields us against foreign invaders  and helps us stay healthy. It is first thing that comes into picture as a defence mechanism in case of any kind of contact with bacterials/allergic particles/virus etc.
There are certain factors like poor diet, insufficient sleep, stress etc. that are getting infused in our life and affecting our immune system.

These Yoga pose/posture can help you boost your immune system:

1. Matsyasana (Fish Pose): 

Matsyasana(Credits 1)
This pose stimulates a glad known as thymus. Thymus plays an important role in our defence mechanism.

2. Bhujangasana(Cobra Pose) :
Bhujanga Asana(credits 2)

This pose opens up chest area thus stimulating Thymus gland situated behind the breastbone.

3. Dhanurasana(Bow Pose)
Dhanurasana(Credits 3)
This pose give a full stretch to the body and gives strength to spine and thighs. This pose also helps in actuating the thymus gland by opening up the chest area.

4. Ustrasana(Camel Pose): 

Ustrasana(Credits 4)
This pose Strengthens the respiratory system, opens up chest area and increase immunity.

5. Balasana(Child Pose):
Balasana(Credits 5)
This pose soothes your mind and gives you better digestion while improving immune system side by side.

 In case you are suffering from any kind of medical problem, perform these Asana only under guidance. Even if you are disease free, these poses should be performed cautiously.

Along with these postures, there are some particular fruits/herbs that can also help in power pack boosting of immune system:

  1. Yoghurt: active culture found in yoghurt are very helpful in keeping digestive track clean and  disease causing elements out of the body
  2. Garlic: The element called allicin found in garlic fights with bad bacteria and infections. so include garlic while cooking veggies or you can eat raw garlic clove daily in the morning for best results.
  3. Cinnamon: It contains an element called cinnamaldehyde which helps in lowering blood sugar level by making our body sensitive towards insulin. It also lowers blood pressure and prevents cancer causer elements, thus improves disease fighting ability of our body.
  4. Lemon/orange/grapefruit/kiwi: These fruits are very rich in Vitamin C, which is immunity boosting element. They are also packed with bioflavonoid which activates our defence mechanism.
  5. Turmeric: The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. This ingredient is very powerful antioxidant which helps in healing and protecting our body organs. It has several benefits as it helps our body to tackle heart disease, depression, eye disease, skin problem and also increase the healing process.
  6. Ginger: This is very effective remedy for bowel related problem, cold & flue, nausea as it contains antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.
  7. Carrot: Carrots are known for being an excellent source of beta carotene. These carotenes are responsible for supporting the body’s mucus membrane, which lines the respiratory and intestinal tracts, making it harder for bacteria to enter the bloodstream and cause trouble.
  8. Tulsi: Also called as Indian Basil. Along with various other benefits, tulsi is know to enhance our disease fighting ability also

  1. Also read >>>>> http://yogapowerforyou.blogspot.in/2014/05/tulsi.html
Happy YOGA!!!!!

Tuesday 14 July 2015

How to keep yourself Motivated for YOGA

You wish to lose some pounds….you set some workout routines and the….phwwee…now you find yourself too exhausted or busy to follow these routines. Well well……first of all it is not that you are busy or exhausted (every time)…..baby you need to motivate yourself time to time, to keep your mind focused on your goal. And I believe that this happen in other cases also. Motivation keeps you going. Here are some super awesome tips to motivate yourself:

1.       Buy a pair of jeans or a top one size less than your current size: Try these outfits time to time and stand in front of mirror…..you will surely get to know the area where you are flabbing and work out for these areas to fit in this dress.

2.       Watch motivational speeches of famous Gurus: Their words will ardour up you for sure. 

3.       Note down your measurements: review your measurements every 15 days.

4.       Watch yourself while you work out: put a human size mirror and keep an eye on your body while you work out. 

5.       Time: Yoga is such an effective tool that even by investing 10-15 minutes daily, you can reap benefits. Once you start try not to lose the momentum and you will see difference which you even never expected.

6.       Meditate: meditate at least once in a week. Meditation improves you will power, give you body a feeling of calmness and relaxation. 
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7.       Write down the reason for not doing Yoga for every time you give it a miss. Place this note just above the mirror. This will act as a check.

Happy YOGA!!!!

Thursday 2 July 2015

Practice Peace with Yoga- Beat the stress

Keep away Stress- 5 Minute YOGA

Sometime emotions play us and we end up feeling lost and stressed. It feels like nothing good will happen ever. This is the time when you need motivation and yes you can motivate yourself.....you can make yourself happy. Tell your mind that its going to over followed by certain YOGA poses & WOOOHHOOO you will feel relaxed and happy again.

Be A fighter- Vibhradrshana (Warrior Pose):

Warrior Pose (credits 1)

Practice this pose humming Om in rhythm of your breath.
  •  Start with Warrior I, stretch your hands & leg  and look upwards. Breathe in and hold for 5 to 10 sec.
  •  Next shift into Warrior II pose and hold for 1 minute along with humming Om and holding breathe.
  • While shifting to Warrior III, try to balance your upper body be extending your arms and making a T shape.
While practicing this pose tell your mind that you can always fight back whatever be the situation be. You are strong.

Calm down and forgive- Vriksasana(tree pose):

Some times things are above our control and all you need to do is let it go. Accept the truth. Stay calm. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Try to maintain balance in life with Vrikshasana.

 This pose calms down the mind and make you feel relaxed practice this pose for 2 to 5 min.

Tree Pose(credits 2)

3. Follow Peace : Shishuasana(childpose)

This pose calms the nerves and lowers your blood pressure and thus helps you to relieve tension at major body parts like neck, shoulder and back.

Shishuasana(credits 3 )

Hold this pose for 2 to 5 minutes and relax.

4. Forget the evil: Shavasana(Corpse pose):

This pose brings the ultimate relaxation to the body and helps you lower down fatigue. This pose also lowers blood pressure and helps to reduce headache.

Shavasna( credits: 4)

Breathe slowly and loosen your body. Practice this pose for 5 to 7 minutes.

Wednesday 11 March 2015



YOGA during summer:

Spring is already in action and we are all set to welcome the summer. Summer season or sweating season helps a lot for those who aspire to lose weight. This time of year make a perfect time to indulge yourself in self exploration and reaching new heights of YOGA.
Some YOGA poses can give added benefits if practiced in hot and humid environment (as in HOT YOGA). One can reach new levels of flexibility and concentration during practicing yoga in hot surrounding. You may feel a bit of uneasiness at first due to lots of sweat but a little patience is all that will carry you to the stages of enjoyment.
But there are some things that are also to be considered if you go for HOT YOGA
  •               Staying hydrated is very-very important. As you will be sweating a lot, body water level may   go down so never forget to replenish fluid content.
  •     Maintain energy level with extra supplement of honey. Honey is an instant source of energy. Add half tablespoon (not more than half tablespoon) of honey to luke warm water and sip it half an hour before workout.
  •  Go for healthy and fibrous diet/smoothy post workout. This will curb the desire to eat. For some easy to make and superhealthy smoothy recipes click the below link:

Let’s get to know some effective summer YOGA poses:

  1.  Leg raise: Lie down on your back and put your hands on sides. Now oscillate your both legs from ground to 90 degrees from ground. Practice this in 2 sessions with 30 oscillations each.To add variation to this exercise put your hands under your head or raise your torso while taking support from your hands. This exercise melts fat from lower as well as upper abdomen. Also this can serve as a good alternative for crunches.
    Leg raise(pic courtesy : 2)
2. Alternate Leg raise: This exercise is same as above with a change that in place of both legs you need to raise the legs alternately i.e. 90 degress to ground alternately. 

3. Vibhadrasana 1, 2 & 3( Warrior Pose): This asana is know for strengthening of lower back and spine. When performed in hot and humid environment this asana gives you added benefit of enhanced digestion and core strength.
Warrior poses(pic courtesy : 3)

4. Dhanura Asana(bow pose): Lie down on your stomach and fold both the legs from the knees keeping them 6 to 8 inches apart. Bring the heels close to your hips. Hold the legs firmly near the ankle. Breathe and pull the legs upward with the hands, allow the body to be stretched in a curve, push back the neck backwards. Now try to raise the thighs up from the ground along with the shoulders and chest.
Dhanura Asana(pic courtesy myyogaon.tumblr.com)

Be active and stay healthy always!!!!!!

Monday 8 December 2014

Yoga and Back Pain: heel yourself

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BACK PAIN- Causes:
There are certain things that you cannot change. For instance, the type of job you do, the requirement to  sit in front of computer for long hours and random household works that ultimately leaves your back paining and makes you tired enough to neglect the pain. we often visit doctors in case when the back pain becomes sever and the result is prolonged medication or surgery. 

There are some safe and effective Yoga poses that can be helpful in back pain is practiced regularly:

1.  Adhomukha Asana(downward facing dog): 

This asana gives your body a complete stretch and supports the spine.

Adho Mukha Asana(credits: 2)

2. Trikona Asana(Triangle pose):

This asana is typically for providing strength to the back and also stretches the sides, shoulders, arms and calves.

Trikona Asana(credits : 3)

3. Urdhva Mukha Asana( Upward facing dog):

This yoga pose gives strength to back shoulders and wrist. Improves posture and stimulates abdominal glands.

Urdhva Mukha asana(credits: 4)

4.  Viparita Karani :

This yoga asana relives back pain and stress. It clams body and mind making you feel relaxed.

Viparita Karni pose(credits:spiritualityhealth.com)

5.  Seated spinal twists:

Spinal twists are very effective in relieving the back pain. Theses twists helps in restoring the original shape of the spinal chord and also releases any kind of muscular disorientation.

Spinal Twist(credits:www.alexandani.com)

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Lose weight naturally

Credits :00

Every one is struggling to lose fat and stay fit but then every one wants to lose fat with ease i.e. without those sweaty workout and without controlling that desire to eat calorie food. In some case, when a person opts for exercise/workout, he forgets to look after his diet and ends up in achieving nothing.
Planned diet and regular workout are very basic necessities to get that toned body. Along with this, there are certain home made things that can aid you to reach your goal of having a slim fit body, faster. Lets have a look:

1. Lemon:
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Lemon tops the list fro its amazing benefits. Squeeze one lemon in Luke warm water and drink it every day in the morning empty stomach. Make sure to avoid eating before 30 min.

2. Hot Water: Drinking hot water after meals. Sip water just like tea 30 min after having lunch/ dinner.You can also go for this things after oily or high calorie food.

3.Cinnamon tea:

Cinnamon is very effective in controlling the blood sugar level in the body. And if blood sugar is under control, our body tends to use stored fat in place of storing fat. Prepare cinnamon tea by steeping grounded cinnamon in a cup of water.

4.Garlic for weight loss:
Eat 2-3 garlic cloves and then drink freshly squeezed lemon water.

5. Green Tea:
Being extremely high in antioxidants, green is considered one of the most effective fat flushing drink.
Adding lemon juice to the boiled green tea will enhance the effectiveness of the tea.
In fact, you are not liking the usual boiled taste of green tea you can prepare a tasty smoothie by simply adding 2 table spoon of honey and 1 cup of crushed strawberry/blueberries to the 1/1 cup of water with 2 bags of green tea.

Also check yoga for weight loss>>> http://yogapowerforyou.blogspot.in/2014/05/weight-loss-through-yoga.html

Thursday 13 November 2014

9 Simple Yoga poses for better sleep

credits: owlsmoorprimary.com

Now a days the problem of insomnia is getting more and more common. Insomniac people feel trouble in having sound sleep. While sleeping our body parts performs several essential functions which gets disturbed due lack of proper sleep. Now only this, its results into other associated health issues like heart problems, anxiety, depression etc. But there is nothing to worry, getting a good sleep is not a nightmare. This is what anyone can achieve and that too without medicines.

Yoga practice is great for various health conditions and instantly makes you feel relaxed stress free. There are some simple Yoga poses that can actually help to sleep tight. Before going to these pose, lets discuss some important things:

- You can practice these poses before going to bed, but just make sure that there should be the gap of at least 2 hour between dinner and practicing poses. Moreover, this should be included in daily habit that one should take dinner at least 1 to 2 hours before going to the bed because the huge amount of energy required for digestion can be detrimental to the sleep.

- All these yoga poses should be practiced without staining yourself. Make sure to feel comfortable and relaxed.

1.  Baddha Konasana:

Baddha Konasana(credits: en.wikipedia.org)

Practicing this regulates the digestive system and alleviates fatigue, thus promotes better sleep.

2. Janu Sirsasana : 

Janu Sirsansana (credits:wikipedia.org)

This yoga pose serves benefits in different ways- it relieves insomnia and makes you tension free, helps in curing depression and also stimulates proper functioning of liver and kidney.

Note: make sure not to over stretch yourself and people with back injury should avoid this pose.

3. Upavistha Konasana :

Upvistha Konasana(credits: brigiddineen.com)
This pose helps the abdomen organs work better & clams brain. This is one of the de-stressing YOGA.

4. Reclined twist:

Reclining Twist(credits:yogaflavoredlife.com)

It releases the stress from the muscles of ribs & spine.

5. Viparita Karani :

Viparita Karni pose(credits:spiritualityhealth.com)

This pose increases the blood circulation in upper part of the body and makes you feel enegetic.
6. Salabhasana (Locust Pose):
salabh asna(credits:yogaoutlet.com)

7. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend):

8. Prasarita Padottanasana :
Prasarita Padottanasana (Credits:yogabasics.com)

9. Savasana (Corpse Pose):
Savasana(credits :breakingmuscle.com)

This pose brings ultimate feeling of calmness to the body and peacefulness to the mind. It also relieves any kind of metal or muscular tension and lower the blood pressure.