Tuesday 14 July 2015

How to keep yourself Motivated for YOGA

You wish to lose some pounds….you set some workout routines and the….phwwee…now you find yourself too exhausted or busy to follow these routines. Well well……first of all it is not that you are busy or exhausted (every time)…..baby you need to motivate yourself time to time, to keep your mind focused on your goal. And I believe that this happen in other cases also. Motivation keeps you going. Here are some super awesome tips to motivate yourself:

1.       Buy a pair of jeans or a top one size less than your current size: Try these outfits time to time and stand in front of mirror…..you will surely get to know the area where you are flabbing and work out for these areas to fit in this dress.

2.       Watch motivational speeches of famous Gurus: Their words will ardour up you for sure. 

3.       Note down your measurements: review your measurements every 15 days.

4.       Watch yourself while you work out: put a human size mirror and keep an eye on your body while you work out. 

5.       Time: Yoga is such an effective tool that even by investing 10-15 minutes daily, you can reap benefits. Once you start try not to lose the momentum and you will see difference which you even never expected.

6.       Meditate: meditate at least once in a week. Meditation improves you will power, give you body a feeling of calmness and relaxation. 
credits 1
7.       Write down the reason for not doing Yoga for every time you give it a miss. Place this note just above the mirror. This will act as a check.

Happy YOGA!!!!

Thursday 2 July 2015

Practice Peace with Yoga- Beat the stress

Keep away Stress- 5 Minute YOGA

Sometime emotions play us and we end up feeling lost and stressed. It feels like nothing good will happen ever. This is the time when you need motivation and yes you can motivate yourself.....you can make yourself happy. Tell your mind that its going to over followed by certain YOGA poses & WOOOHHOOO you will feel relaxed and happy again.

Be A fighter- Vibhradrshana (Warrior Pose):

Warrior Pose (credits 1)

Practice this pose humming Om in rhythm of your breath.
  •  Start with Warrior I, stretch your hands & leg  and look upwards. Breathe in and hold for 5 to 10 sec.
  •  Next shift into Warrior II pose and hold for 1 minute along with humming Om and holding breathe.
  • While shifting to Warrior III, try to balance your upper body be extending your arms and making a T shape.
While practicing this pose tell your mind that you can always fight back whatever be the situation be. You are strong.

Calm down and forgive- Vriksasana(tree pose):

Some times things are above our control and all you need to do is let it go. Accept the truth. Stay calm. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Try to maintain balance in life with Vrikshasana.

 This pose calms down the mind and make you feel relaxed practice this pose for 2 to 5 min.

Tree Pose(credits 2)

3. Follow Peace : Shishuasana(childpose)

This pose calms the nerves and lowers your blood pressure and thus helps you to relieve tension at major body parts like neck, shoulder and back.

Shishuasana(credits 3 )

Hold this pose for 2 to 5 minutes and relax.

4. Forget the evil: Shavasana(Corpse pose):

This pose brings the ultimate relaxation to the body and helps you lower down fatigue. This pose also lowers blood pressure and helps to reduce headache.

Shavasna( credits: 4)

Breathe slowly and loosen your body. Practice this pose for 5 to 7 minutes.