Monday 8 December 2014

Yoga and Back Pain: heel yourself

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BACK PAIN- Causes:
There are certain things that you cannot change. For instance, the type of job you do, the requirement to  sit in front of computer for long hours and random household works that ultimately leaves your back paining and makes you tired enough to neglect the pain. we often visit doctors in case when the back pain becomes sever and the result is prolonged medication or surgery. 

There are some safe and effective Yoga poses that can be helpful in back pain is practiced regularly:

1.  Adhomukha Asana(downward facing dog): 

This asana gives your body a complete stretch and supports the spine.

Adho Mukha Asana(credits: 2)

2. Trikona Asana(Triangle pose):

This asana is typically for providing strength to the back and also stretches the sides, shoulders, arms and calves.

Trikona Asana(credits : 3)

3. Urdhva Mukha Asana( Upward facing dog):

This yoga pose gives strength to back shoulders and wrist. Improves posture and stimulates abdominal glands.

Urdhva Mukha asana(credits: 4)

4.  Viparita Karani :

This yoga asana relives back pain and stress. It clams body and mind making you feel relaxed.

Viparita Karni pose(

5.  Seated spinal twists:

Spinal twists are very effective in relieving the back pain. Theses twists helps in restoring the original shape of the spinal chord and also releases any kind of muscular disorientation.

Spinal Twist(

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Lose weight naturally

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Every one is struggling to lose fat and stay fit but then every one wants to lose fat with ease i.e. without those sweaty workout and without controlling that desire to eat calorie food. In some case, when a person opts for exercise/workout, he forgets to look after his diet and ends up in achieving nothing.
Planned diet and regular workout are very basic necessities to get that toned body. Along with this, there are certain home made things that can aid you to reach your goal of having a slim fit body, faster. Lets have a look:

1. Lemon:
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Lemon tops the list fro its amazing benefits. Squeeze one lemon in Luke warm water and drink it every day in the morning empty stomach. Make sure to avoid eating before 30 min.

2. Hot Water: Drinking hot water after meals. Sip water just like tea 30 min after having lunch/ dinner.You can also go for this things after oily or high calorie food.

3.Cinnamon tea:

Cinnamon is very effective in controlling the blood sugar level in the body. And if blood sugar is under control, our body tends to use stored fat in place of storing fat. Prepare cinnamon tea by steeping grounded cinnamon in a cup of water.

4.Garlic for weight loss:
Eat 2-3 garlic cloves and then drink freshly squeezed lemon water.

5. Green Tea:
Being extremely high in antioxidants, green is considered one of the most effective fat flushing drink.
Adding lemon juice to the boiled green tea will enhance the effectiveness of the tea.
In fact, you are not liking the usual boiled taste of green tea you can prepare a tasty smoothie by simply adding 2 table spoon of honey and 1 cup of crushed strawberry/blueberries to the 1/1 cup of water with 2 bags of green tea.

Also check yoga for weight loss>>>

Thursday 13 November 2014

9 Simple Yoga poses for better sleep


Now a days the problem of insomnia is getting more and more common. Insomniac people feel trouble in having sound sleep. While sleeping our body parts performs several essential functions which gets disturbed due lack of proper sleep. Now only this, its results into other associated health issues like heart problems, anxiety, depression etc. But there is nothing to worry, getting a good sleep is not a nightmare. This is what anyone can achieve and that too without medicines.

Yoga practice is great for various health conditions and instantly makes you feel relaxed stress free. There are some simple Yoga poses that can actually help to sleep tight. Before going to these pose, lets discuss some important things:

- You can practice these poses before going to bed, but just make sure that there should be the gap of at least 2 hour between dinner and practicing poses. Moreover, this should be included in daily habit that one should take dinner at least 1 to 2 hours before going to the bed because the huge amount of energy required for digestion can be detrimental to the sleep.

- All these yoga poses should be practiced without staining yourself. Make sure to feel comfortable and relaxed.

1.  Baddha Konasana:

Baddha Konasana(credits:

Practicing this regulates the digestive system and alleviates fatigue, thus promotes better sleep.

2. Janu Sirsasana : 

Janu Sirsansana (

This yoga pose serves benefits in different ways- it relieves insomnia and makes you tension free, helps in curing depression and also stimulates proper functioning of liver and kidney.

Note: make sure not to over stretch yourself and people with back injury should avoid this pose.

3. Upavistha Konasana :

Upvistha Konasana(credits:
This pose helps the abdomen organs work better & clams brain. This is one of the de-stressing YOGA.

4. Reclined twist:

Reclining Twist(

It releases the stress from the muscles of ribs & spine.

5. Viparita Karani :

Viparita Karni pose(

This pose increases the blood circulation in upper part of the body and makes you feel enegetic.
6. Salabhasana (Locust Pose):
salabh asna(

7. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend):

8. Prasarita Padottanasana :
Prasarita Padottanasana (

9. Savasana (Corpse Pose):

This pose brings ultimate feeling of calmness to the body and peacefulness to the mind. It also relieves any kind of metal or muscular tension and lower the blood pressure.

Friday 7 November 2014

Yoga for Seniors

The most amazing thing about YOGA is that every age group of society can derive benefits from it. Though Yoga posses a popular image of young people performing super tough poses, but after getting familiar with real yoga, now people in their older ages are also getting attached to yoga. And the sole reason for this inclination is the count of benefits that one can reap by just including simple and super easy yoga poses to their routine workout schedule.


There are several age related problems which are mostly unavoidable, for example- stiffness of bones, low response of senses, digestion problems, blood pressure etc. One cannot avoid ageing but one can delay it for sure.
     But before starting over, there are certain things to be taken care of:
  • Respect your pain: Start with simple and easy poses, don't try to push yourself hard. You may not be able to bend your body much, but you can certainly enhance the quality of your life by simply performing simple Yoga/Prayanam.
  • Know your limits: once you start practicing, go slowly and hold for shorter period of time and let your body to settle in the pose.
  • Keep yourself hydrated.
  • At any point of time, if you feel intense pain or uneasiness, please stop yoga and seek medical care if problem persists.

Types of Yoga poses best for older people:

1. Tirkonasana(Triangle pose) :

Trikonasana( credits:

2. Butterfly pose:
BUtterfly pose(credits:

3. Bhujangasana:

4. Child pose:
Child Pose(

5. Pawanmuktasana:
6. Pranayama: 

There are several forms of PRANAYAMA, which includes following:
1. Ujjayi Pranayama
2. Nadi Sodhan Pranayama
3. Shitali Pranayama
4. Anuloma Pranayama
5. Viloma Pranayama
6. Kapalbhati Pranayama
7. Digra Pranayama
8. Bhastrika Pranayama
9. Bhramri Pranayama
10. Bhaya Pranayama
11. Agnisar Kriya.

Details about these pranayam is available at link below:

Note: All the above discussed Yoga/Pranayama should be done under the guidance of trainer and according to the health condition.

Friday 31 October 2014

Simple yoga poses for Cervical Spondylosis

The office work culture infusing into our daily routine is leading us to several health problem even at younger ages. Cervical Spondylosis is an age related problem, but now a days this problem is also getting common in youths. The main reasons being dehydrated disk or stiff ligaments etc which mainly arises due to 

  •  Improper posture and low inclination towards exercise
  • Sleeping while using thick pillows below the head
  • Working with the desktop for extended hours
  • Highly comfortable modern chairs
  • Sleeping in a particular position

. In most of the cases neck pain and stiffness are main symptoms of  cervical spondylosis.

Although medicinal treatments are available for its treatment but they are not that effective to cure this problem. There are certain easy YOGA poses that play a commendable role in managing and treating the patients of cervical spondylosis.

  • Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation): If a person suffering form cervical spondylosis performs sun salutation regularly and correctly he can certainly gain strong and flexible spine and make the hinself free from neck pain, shoulder pain and cervical spondylosis.

Sun Salutation( credits:

  • Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): Spine carries all nerve impulses from the brain to the body. Practicing Bhujangasana removes the stiffness of the neck and shoulder, and acts as a cure for cervical problems too.


  • Makarasana (Crocodile Pose):This asana basically helps the spine to resume its normal shape and releases compression of the spinal nerves.
Makarasna (credits :

  • Matsyasana (Fish Pose):cervical region gets benefited by practicing this asna and helps in overcoming stress and strain caused due to prolong sitting before the computer.
Matsyasana (Credits:

  • Ardha Naukasana (Half Boat Pose): Besides treating cervical & back problems, this pose can help one in managing ones chronic indigestion, constipation. Even patients of diabetes can find it quite beneficial.

  • Kohni Chalana (Elbow Rotations): Kohni Chalana is very useful to improve the mobility and strength of the shoulders and the neck which may prevent cervical spondylotis, frozen shoulder and bursitis.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Healthy eating habits for people with diabetes

Diabetes is basically a condition in which our blood glucose level increases to high level and our body is not able to utilize it properly. Malfunctioning of pancreas(a gland) is one of reason for this condition. Frequent urination, increased thrust, abnormal weight gain/loss and increased hunger are some of the symptoms of this disease. Apart from medical treatment and daily exercise/workout, it is very important to watch what you eat in order to treat this disease. Adding some of the eatables to your daily diet can effectively help you fight with diabetes:

1. Spinach/beans/broccoli:

Frozen Broccoli(credits

spinach (credits:
These are high in fiber and very low in carbohydrate count, which is the most suitable diet for diabetic patients.

2. Oats/daliya:

Oats/daliya is known for its high fiber content. Oats/daliya contains very high amount of insoluble fibers, which are slowly digested by body and thus maintains optimum blood sugar level. Along with this, it contains magnesium which helps the body to use glucose and secrete insulin properly.

Its intake reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. 

oat meal (credits:

3. Blueberries:

Blueberries are also very good for diabetic person as they contains both insoluble fiber(which removes extra fat from the body) and soluble fiber( which make your stomach filled i.e less food craving). One can get extra benefits like mood lifts and improved memory by regular intake of blueberries.

 A chemical called anthocynins found in berries is believed to have stimulation effect on adiponectin, a hormone responsible for regulation of blood sugar level.

4. Olive Oil:

Including olive oil in diet helps in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, by as much as 50 percent compared to a diet low in fat, according to a recent study. In addition to being a standout source of health-promoting monounsaturated fats, olive oil is also rich in antioxidant nutrients that protect cells from damage, and prevents the development of heart disease.


It is one of the most common spice that add ultimate flavor and fragrance to the food. Along with this, studies has reveal that cinnamon intake has amazing benefits specially to type 2 diabetic persons reducing their fasting blood sugar level. 

Including these items to your diet along with some super easy yoga poses can give added benefits. Check these pose at

Eat Healthy Stay Fit!!!

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Diwali Celebration


One of the biggest and brightest Hindu festival- Diwali or Deepawali. This time is that time of the year when everything is filled with  love and light. This festival symbolizes win of truth over false, and good over bad.

Lets celebrate this day with a pledged to be true throughout the life. Lets light the lamp of love and togetherness this Diwali and make this world a beautiful place to live.

YOGA for diabetes

YOGA, if practiced regularly can your body healthier and happier. Even if you are fit, one should include Yoga practice to the daily routine. Apart from fitness, YOGA is known to be the cure for various health conditions. Yoga, which includes asnas, pranayam & various mudras, has considerably helped the people to regain health and have peaceful mind. Now a days diabetes is getting common and allopathy has no cure for this disease till date. Yoga has shown promising results in this condition and this is the reason why more & more people are inclining toward Yoga.
Lets discuss the yoga practices that can help diabetic person:

YOGA Asanas for Diabetes:

1.   Mandukasana: Put left palm covering your navel and place right palm on the left palm. Press your hands against your abdomen. Exhaling & bend your head forwards trying to touch your forehead to the ground in front of you. Your hands should press against your abdomen in this position. Hold this position as long as you can hold comfortably (ten to fifteen seconds in the beginning). While inhaling come back to original position of vajra asana.
This yoga asna is beneficial to diabetes patients and gives added benefits of improving digestive system.
Caution: any person suffering from any type of back pain or abdominal injury should not practice this pose.

2.   Mayurasana (Peacock pose): 

  • Lie flat on your belly.
  • Bend your elbows and keep both your hands on either side of your chest.
  • Now pressing on your palms, lift up your entire body keeping it parallel to the ground.
  • After a few seconds return to your original position.
This pose may be for beginners but once you master this asana, pancreas activity increases and more insulin is produced, which in turn gives relief in diabetes.

3.   Dhanurasana: 

Dhanurasana (credits :

Detailed steps to perform this asna is available @

This asana improves the functioning of your pancreas and intestines thus controlling your blood sugar level.

4.   Sarvangasana: This is yet another asanas which is highly advised for those with diabetes.
  • Lie down flat with your back on the floor.
  • Relax and breathe normally.
  • Lift up your legs at a right angle and now slowly lift your torso entirely off the floor supporting on your elbows and shoulder blade. Before you lift your legs, exhale.
  • After you have attained this posture, look towards your chest.
  • Breathe normally now.

Caution: People suffering from high blood pressure or any heart disease should avoid this asana.

5. Paschimottanasana: 
Paschimottanasana (credits

While practicing this asana try to keep your legs straight and touch your knees with nose. Go slowly. Practice regularly to make your stomach function better, strengthens the thigh muscles and relaxes the back and arms.

One can actually get benefited by following a routine that includes above mentioned YOGA poses, along with proper diet.

Never forget that if your are going for exercise/yoga/jogging than this does not allows you to neglect your food habits.  

Check out some food items that helps you in combating diabetes >>>

Keep loving yourself and keep reading!!!!!

Thursday 4 September 2014

Amazing benefits and uses of Lemon

Lemon is a citrus fruits and the most popular one for its numerous uses as flavoring agent and beauty enhancer. It has many nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, calcium, pectin, antioxidants, etc.
Here are some of the amazing uses that help you become healthier and beautiful.

1.   Aids Digestion and relieves constipation: Drinking lemon juice mixed with warm water helps body to produce stomach acid and thus make digestion more effective and improves bowels.

2.   Anti Cancer : It has been discovered that Lemons has many anti cancer agents.

3.   Removes intestinal worms: Taking lemons juice destroys intestinal worms.

4.   Treats Scurvy: Abundant amount of vitamin- C present in lemons cures from scurvy.

5.   Treats Kidney Stones and detoxifies liver: The citric acid in lemon helps to dissolve gall stones, kidney stones as well as calcium deposits. You can get this benefit by simply taking one glass of water with freshly squeezed lemon every morning.

6.   Effective anti-ageing properties: Lemons are rich source of anti -oxidants, which helps in removing free radicals from the body.

7.   Helps in dissolving uric acid
These were some of the amazing health benefits of including lemon in your diet plan.
Along with this lemons also contains beautifying agents. Lets take a look:

8.   Treats Acne: Apply freshly squeezed lemon juice to the acne area regularly and feel the change. This will not only reduce the acne problem but will take care of acne marks.

9.   Natural Astringent: Ditch chemical and use use this natural astringent.

10.   Antioxidant: being a rich source of antioxidants make lemons a perfect choice to throw out free radicals and other toxins from the body and keeps you young and wrinkle free. The antioxidants present in lemon are extremely favorable for your scalp too. Hence, drinking lemon water in a regular manner is useful for treating dry scalp and dandruff permanently.

11. Lightens blemishes & age spots

12. Conditions dry hairs: use lemon juice with oil oil and yogurt to treat dry hairs.