Thursday 28 August 2014

Why you should drink more water!!!!


We all know that water is the basic component of our body and it performs several functions including transportation of nutrients, removal of waste, etc. If taken in adequate amount daily, it can make your body feel wonderful and yes it comes with an added benefits of having zero fat and calorie content. Many problems like constipation, poor digestion and gastric problems just needs proper hydration and can be cured without any medication(unless in severe cases). All these things are not new, but still benefits of drinking water are underestimated.

We all have heard that one should drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Follow this and I am sure you will experience so many benefits. Here are some top class benefits of drinking water:

1.   It keeps you looking young: Whether you want shining hair or glowy skin or a healthier body, go for increasing the water intake. It cleanses your body internally imparting you clean and clear skin. It is the best beauty elixir.

2.   Helps in weight reduction: Planning for weight reduction??? Include more water and aid yourself in reaching this aim faster.  Water is known to be a natural appetite suppressant. It reduces hunger and increses metabolism.

3.   Reduces fatigue and increses concentration: As our brain is mainly water, it help brain to contrates and releive stress and fatigue.

4.   A natural remedy for headache: Often the reason for headache/migrane is dehydration. So whenever you feel aching head go for drinking plenty of water.

5.   Improves digestion & inhibits constipation: Drinking sufficient water boosts your metabolism and helps the body properly break down food. This helps your digestive system work well and promotes regular bowel movements. Warm water, in particular, is good for digestive health.

6.   Works as mood enhancer: Poper body fucntioning aids to your mood also and make you feel cheerful.

Friday 22 August 2014

Yoga Asanas for beauty

From trying various face/body packs to sitting hours at parlour, you might have done everything for your beautiful hairs and flawless skin. This can temporarily make you look better but the basic reason for body flaws remained unresolved. We often tend to ignore the basic reasons for skin related problems like acne and blemishes and try to scoop out the symptoms without treating the root cause.
             In our previous articles we have discussed various YOGA poses to maintain the body shape, along with body toning yoga poses, there are certain poses that can credibly add glow to your body and give a naturally beautiful skin and hairs. But before going to that section we need to understand the reason for dull and non-attractive skin/hairs. The major reasons for unhealthy skin/hairs could be:
  1. stress condition,
  2. medication,
  3. poor blood circulation,
  4. poor body cleansing process,
  5. unhealthy food habits etc.
Stress factor and medication are the conditions where you may need the help of doctor or counsellor to improve the situation. In case, the reason be poor blood circulation or poor body cleansing process, one can really get benefited by YOGA. These magical yoga forms can help to increase the blood circulation and activates the necessary hormones/glands for smooth body functioning.
  1. Halasana: Credibly increases the blood circulation, improves flexibility of spine and add to the youthfulness. Practise slowly and step by step to avoid any kind of injury.
  2. Sarvangasana : This posture enhances the blood circulation improves functioning of thyroid gland and fosters the blood circulation towards head thus giving you healthy and glowing hairs.

3.    Uttanasana : In this pose your head is below your heart area and thus blood gushes to your head instead of head, giving your cell rejuvenating effect and ample supply of oxygen. Practising this pose daily will help you in gaining glowing and blemish free skin. Persons suffering from hair can also get benefited from this pose.

Uttanasana(credits: shutterstock)
4. Sirsasna: This complete headstand pose makes your blood flow direct to the head, providing enough oxygen and energising blood cells.
5.    Surya Namaskar: A complete series of asanas that gives toning, streching and relaxation to the body.
Surya Namaskar (credits:

6.  Varun Mudra: Yoga mudras are postures or gestures of fingers and hands which involve putting fingers and hands in particular positions as recommended by the ancient Vedas. This Mudra balances water content in the body and makes skin sofer and glowy. Practising this also reduces the dryness of the skin. Moreover, it helps in curing constipation and eleminates malfunctioning of kidneys.

Varun Mudra (credits: